Friday, 25 December 2009

Got Problems with Boils - Get Rid of  the Pain of Boils For Good

FREE 12 page ebook PDF

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Home Remedies for Boils

FREE 12 page ebook PDF

Looking for home remedies for boils - try the Epsoms Salts home remedy.  The reason why some people use Epsom's salts to help to cure their boils is because these salts contain Magnesium sulfate, which has an ingredient that can be used as a natural cure for boils.

If you try this home remedy first you will need to make a paste from the Epsom's salts and water then put onto the boil.  This will help because the Epsoms salts act as a natural antispetic antimicrobial component that will help to kill the bacteria in and around the boil.  This paste will also help to dry the boil out and thus cure the boil.

For more great home remedies for boils download the free ebook.

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Skin Boils - A Tip to Help

FREE 12 page ebook PDF

It is a real horrible feeling when you can feel skin boils erupting.  First a slightly raised, reddened tender area and later if you don't act fast you will find the skin boil becoming worse.  Yes, if you don't act you will find the area becomes filled with pus and could turn into a larger abscess type boil.

Skin boils can form around hair follicles,especially where people shave as this can cause the hair to become trapped under the skin and can thus cause irritation.

One good tip to prevent skin boils is to use a good antibacterial soap.  This will keep the skin clean and thus it will  be less prone to the bacteria that can attack minor cuts and scrapes that allow the infection into the skin.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Vaginal Boils

FREE 12 page ebook PDF

Vaginal boils are painful and uncomfortable, something that you will want to get rid of as soon as you can.  Therefore, as soon as you get an itching sensation and you can feel the boil start a boil treatment straight away.

Obviously, if you are worried about an STD you may want to go and see your medical practitioner first to put your mind at rest.

If, however you know it to be a vaginal boil erupting, start treatment right away.  Because if the boil does break, the pus to lead to more vaginal boils erupting.

What can you do to help yourself?  Make sure you have a good natural ointment to hand or bathe the area in a salty solution to help the healing process.  Do this a few times a day, you could even try the Epsom Salt remedy I wrote about in an earlier post.

If you are worried go and see your doctor straight away.

To lessen any more outbreaks buy an anti bacterial soap and wear cotton underwear.  Click here for further help for a natural boil treatment.

Lancing Boils

Lancing boils is something your doctor will do, he will probably use a sterile syringe or needle and will make a small incision so that the pus will drain away.  He may well then pack the incision with guaze and antiseptic to keep away bacteria and this will also allow any excess pus to drain. 
If lancing boils is something you do yourself - then make sure everything is sterile.  I know that some people can't be bothered to go and see a medical practitioner so will lance the boil themselves.  Cleanliness is important if you lance the boil, make sure all equipment is sterile whether that is a needle or syringe and that all hands are clean.  Wash the area with antibacterial soap or apply an ointment to make sure that no further bacteria can enter the area.  Remember, it is of the utmost important to keep the area sterile or you could cause further complications.  If, in doubt, go and see your doctor.

Also if you have an underlying illness such as diabetes or other ailments - go let your doctor lance the boil to be on the safe side.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Cure for Boils

It is natural that you want a quick cure for boils.  Boils are irritating, painful and downright uncomfortable.  They don't look so good either!  So you want to start treatment on them real quick.

First off, you could see your doctor who will probably prescribe an oral antibiotic and possibly a topical antibiotic cream to apply on the boil.

However, many people prefer to go for a natural treatment rather than antibiotics unless their boil problem is severe.

So, if you first want to try a natural treatment such as applying a warm compress to the area, or bathing the boil with Epsom Salts then try this for a day or so. 

Some people even use onion juice or garlic juice, this may be applied on boils externally to ripen them, break and eliminate the pus.  You just mix the juice of both the onion and garlic in equal quantities and apply to the boil.

For more natural remedies to help cure for boils download the free ebook at the top of the page.